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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Lucky 13

 Each year, as May 10 draws closer, I start thinking about how I can adequately describe what the junior golf program at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital means to me. Each year, for what is now 13 years, I know that I will fail in achieving that goal. Each year, since May 10, 2011, I have not even really come close to fully explaining how grateful I am for the kids, and everyone, at Ranken Jordan.

How can anyone possibly describe the pure joy that comes along with all of the smiles, laughter, jokes, and stories that comes from so many great golf shots from so many amazing children? I know I sure cannot do that. That is what these last 13 years have been -- all incredible memories and experiences that I am so incredibly fortunate to have experienced. From the first day I walked into Ranken Jordan not having a clue what I was going to do, to last night at this year's golf tournament at TopGolf with Kiland, Deon, and Jace hitting our ceremonial tee shots, I stand by what I always say -- the kids do far more for me than I could ever do for them.

I do not mention it often enough, but the staff at Ranken Jordan is, quite simply, incredible. The passion they pour into their work each and every day is evident in the miraculous results they get through their "Care Beyond The Bedside" model of healthcare. Mary Ranken Jordan's favorite quote was "consider the children first in all you do." The staff certainly does that and more every day. I am very lucky to witness it and to be able to call so many of them friends.

Prior to the very first clinic 13 years ago, it was already obvious to me that the program would not last long, if it even got started, without the support of friends. The first two phone calls I made to ask for help with golf equipment for the kids -- one to Josh Riley at the Gateway PGA and the other to John Bryan at U.S. Kids Golf -- set in motion something that is more than I could have ever imagined. Through the years so many of my friends have supported the junior golf program at Ranken Jordan in every way conceivable. I cannot thank all of you enough for what you have allowed to happen each and every week for 13 years. Your support is what allows the lives of so many children and their families to be improved through the game of golf. Thank you.

As always, when I sit down to type a blog post (which was pointed out to me quite recently I rarely do anymore), I am looking forward to next Wednesday and being back with the kids. From that very first clinic 13 years ago, my favorite day each week is Golfday with the kids at Ranken Jordan. Being there with them and seeing how golf is making a positive difference in their lives, oftentimes in ways I never would have thought of, is humbling and inspirational. I am eternally grateful the kids have allowed me to be part of their recovery, and look forward to at least 13 more years with them.

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